Sohail Khan

Software Developer at KapitalWise

Computer Science Engineering (CSE) graduate at IIT Jodhpur


Who I Am ?


What I Do ?

  1. I have been working for KapitalWise, a New York based Fintech startup for last 3 years
    • Software Developer Summer Intern from May 2019 to July 2019
    • Software Developer Remote Intern from Aug 2019 to Aug 2020. I did this internship along with my final year studies
    • Software Developer Full Time from Sep 2020 to present
  2. Technologies that I have worked on include
    • Node.js, Sails.js, Python
    • MongoDB, MySQL, AWS, Docker
    • JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS


My Work

Software Developer

  • Developed a SaaS platform for personalized customer engagement that led to the growth from $5M to $15M in valuation
  • Developed cross-channel attribution feature
  • Developed customer journey and mapping feature
  • Developed KapitalWise analytics similar to Google analytics feature
  • Developed bulk email marketing campaign feature
  • Developed audience segmentation builder based on filters feature
  • Developed a chrome extension for rewards on credit card transactions
  • Technologies used Node.js, Sails.js, MongoDB, MySQL, AWS, Docker, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, HTML, CSS

Open Source Contributor
Fossasia | Sails-docs

Btech ProJect

  • Achieved accuracy of 95.84%, 99.34%, 94.61% for AT&T, FACE94, FACE95 data-sets respectively
  • Developed a software using Python and OpenCV to implement LDRP research-paper by Shiv Ram Dube

Github Code

Grade Management
Course Project

  • A platform for the students to view their grades and for the faculties to update marks and modify grades
  • Developed a software using C++, Object-oriented analysis (OOA)

Github Code

social network
personal project

  • A platform for Q&A along with a feature to chat with other users and share images or videos
  • Developed a website using technologies PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL

Github Code   

My Skills

My Resume